About us

Hotelová akadémia – Secondary school of hotel and gastronomy
Hlinská 31, 010 01 Žilina, SLOVAKIA,  www.hazilina.sk

Our school provides education for students aged 16 – 20 in the following fields of study:

3-year-long  vocational  studies – cook, waiter, candymaker  –  is completed   by a   successful final examinations

4-year-long studies with maturita – cook, waiter

4-year-long specialized studies with maturita – management of regional tourism

5-year-long specialized studies with maturita – hotel academy

 Theoretical education is provided in the school premises and practical training is provided in the form of specialized practice and vocational training in vocational training centres and directly in the workplace of hotel enterprises.

The school strategy for education creates conditions for development not only of vocational, but also  of general and key competencies.

In vocational/specialized education the preparation aims at the area of economics, hotel and gastronomic management, marketing, accountancy, law, social communication.

At the same time students learn about composition and storage of food, about nutrition, table-setting, technology of meal preparation etc. During vocational training students acquire theoretical and practical skills in divisions of catering and accommodating services.

Students acquire the ability to speak 2 foreign languages during their study (German, English, French, Spanish, and Russian) on the level which enables them to communicate fluently. The development of a student’s personality and forming their personal and professional qualities, attitudes and value orientation are of the major importance.

Our school-leavers/graduates may apply for study at various universities, mainly focused on travelling, catering and similar branches.

A typical feature of our school is its high level of professionalism, what is proven every year by top awards and excellent appraisals for our students from various national and international contests our students regularly participate at.

There are ca. 550 students attends in the school and approximately 130 school-leavers / graduates a year. The school employs 60 teachers and trainers.